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Saturday, June 12, 2010

More action

Wow, long time to posts! Well between work and other time wasters, I haven't had much time for my computer stuff.

But now I've got something to post about! As I might have mentioned before, I first connected the Bucket to my TV and used a wireless keyboard and mouse from my couch, but I realized my eyes couldn't handle the pain anymore, so I decided to move back to a regular monitor and a desk.

While I was at it, I decided to reinstall Arch Linux again, and this time I did it right! I decided to install Gnome instead of KDE, which is slightly smaller. I also decided to go with more reasonable partition sizes. 7.5Gb for root, and 5.5Gb for home. What's left over is set aside for boot and swap partitions. One thing I was worried about is setting home as a logical partition, and not primary, but it runs fine, so I'm not going to worry anymore.

For the most part, everything else ran pretty smoothly. I haven't installed video acceleration drivers yet, but I hear old Intel chips are a pain. The audio driver installed smoothly. I had to get used to the fact that i can run the box speakers and the headset output jack at the same time, which is interesting. Also, the volume controls on my keyboard integrate really nicely, but the master volume in the mixer doesn't change any of the other volumes. I just plugged in my speakers, which has an external volume control, so I'm not going to worry about it.

As for my other projects, OCNix is coming along slowly, but surely. Many of the main guys have been AWAL for the past few weeks, which brings some difficulties. I've been writing the wiki for the project for a few weeks now. Also, the alpha build has been released. Anyone can go grab it and burn it on a CD. Go ahead and try it out!